Building a portfolio of wind power projects in Ukraine

About Us
Ukraine Power Resources is the latest in a series of renewable energy companies founded or co-founded by Peter A. Gish, which have successfully developed over 2.4 GWs of wind power capacity in seven countries. UPR is a US company and an affiliate of First Summit Energy, which Mr. Gish founded in 2017 to develop renewable energy projects in emerging markets with positive growth dynamics.
Mr. Gish’s track record includes the following wind power projects that were developed with his partners through the following affiliates:
UPC Renewables North Africa
- Sidi-Mansour, Tunisia – 30 MWs (2018)
- Khalladi, Morocco– 120 MWs (2016)
UPC Renewables Asia
- Caparispisan/Baloi, Philippines– 81 MWs (2014)
- Darongshan Guangxi, China – 25 MWs (2013)
- Baiqui I & 2, China – 100 MWs (2011, 2012)
- Linhai I, China – 50 MWs (2011)
First Wind (USA)
15 wind power projects, totaling over 1.0 GWs from 2005 to 2015, in Hawaii, Maine, New York, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Washington
Italian Vento Power Corporation
5 wind power projects in Italy, totaling 682 MWs from 1995 to 2003
A Dynamic
Development Team

Ukraine Wind Power
The Government of Ukraine has established a goal as part of its EU Association mandate to increase domestic-sourced renewable energy to 11% by 2020.Renewable energy production in Ukraine is about 6% of total electricity production. This includes about 8.7 GWh of hydro production and 2.0 GWh of production from wind, solar PV and biomass facilities.
To achieve this EU Association goal, Ukraine will require approximately 3 GW of new renewable energy capacity and direct investment of over €3 billion. To attract this investment to its renewable energy sector, the Government of Ukraine has established State Feed-in Tariffs that are pegged to the Euro through 2029.
Ukraine has 490 MW of commissioned wind power projects among 13 wind farms (excluding the Republic of Crimea).New capacity under development includes over 2.0 GWs among over 20 wind power projects. Project developers may access credit financing from international financial institutions and Ukrainian commercial banks, enabling them to proceed with constructing projects that will benefit from a State Feed-in Tariff of €101.8 per MWh for projects that are commissioned by December 31st 2019.
Ukraine Power Resources is planning to develop wind power production with a focus on projects along Ukraine’s Black Sea coast. This area offers attractive average wind speeds in the range of 7.7 to 8.1 m/s and readily-accessible connections to Ukraine’s electricity grid.

Our Mission
UPR’s Corporate and Social Responsibility Program (CSR) is at the core of our mission: to produce reliable and sustainable clean energy from renewable energy projects that we develop in cooperation with rural communities in Ukraine.
The Environment
We believe that developing clean energy should be sustainable and should have minimal impact on the environment. As such, we are constantly refining our approach to ensure that we are achieving our environmental goals.
Positive Impact on Communities
We seek to have a positive impact in the communities where we develop renewable energy projects. We are a long-term partner committed to working with local communities. For this purpose, we develop community programs in consultation with local leaders and stakeholders to meet each community’s unique needs.
Our CSR Group
Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Group is involved in all stages of project development. Our CSR policy is based on internationally recognized practices, as reflected by our membership in the UN Global Compact.